Popular science about health
Although being small, eggs contain numerous biological characteristics and eating knowledge.
Eggs and children
2021-03-22 13:41:10
Eating different kinds of nutritious foods can meet the needs for growth and development. Sometimes, children are rather particular about food, which limits the kinds and amounts of foods they take in a day. When such circumstances occur, providing them with food rich in various nutritional components appears very important.  
Eggs provide children with 11 different kinds of vitamins and trace elements and provide high-quality protein for growth and development of children’s bodies. Eggs are a superior antioxidant and prevent aging of their eyes and skins. The good taste of eggs allows them to become food that children love.
Benefits of eggs to children’s growth:
A serving of eggs provides 64% of the recommended daily protein intake for children aged 4 to 8, 32% for boys aged 9 to 13 and 36% for girls aged 9 to 13.
Eggs provide nutrients necessary fro growth and development, such as protein, unsaturated fatty acid, vitamins and trace elements; moreover, the salt content in eggs is also very low;
Eggs provide sufficient nutrients, such as iron and zinc, which are lacking in many children;
A serving of eggs provides 20% of recommended daily folic acid intake of children, and folic acid is a very important substance for cell growth and maintaining cell health;
A serving of eggs provides 1/3 of recommended daily vitamin A intake of children. Vitamin A is very important for growth and eye health. 
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